* One Full Set of Workbooks for your Practice:
This will be the first thing to be dispatched upon receiving your payment. This package will help you practice all the Abacus formulas for Addition & Subtraction through step-by-step increasing level of Difficulty. And also practice Abacus Methods for Multiplication & Division. As a teacher, you must know how to handle each & every situation & proper method to be used in all situations. Confidence comes only from Sincere Practice. This Set of Workbooks will help you with that.* Guidance with proper sequence of Videos:
Learning about how to Add or Subtract, Multiply or Divide using the Abacus is conveniently possible with the help of Abacus Videos I have created & shared on my YouTube channel. I have made over 200 Abacus Tutorial Videos. I will guide you with the Proper sequence to be followed in learning new Formulas/Methods, during your Teacher's Training. This will help you save a lot of time. I have covered everything in my videos, right from Identification of Numbers on the Abacus to Learning All the Formulas for Addition & Subtraction and to Learning the Multiplication & Division methods on Abacus and even the use of Subtraction Borrowing Method on the Abacus. I have also explained various situations with the help of different Examples.
* Support via Email or WhatsApp:
In addition to the Guidance/Instructions shared with you to help you with the Learning Part, you can always contact me via Email or WhatsApp as and when you are facing any difficulty or doubt. I will help resolve the same with the help of a proper video or explanation. So far my experience says that most people have found my videos very easy-to-understand and covering all topics needed. Still I will be available over Email or Whatsapp.
* Participation in AnkMitra's OATS:
I have designed AnkMitra's OATS (Online Abacus Tests Series) to help Learners with their Confidence-building through Regular Abacus Practice. I have already created 32 Tests, spread over 4 levels of Difficulty, to be attempted progressively after completing Stage-1 Learning/Practice. More Tests for higher Difficulty Levels are being created. I will make all these Tests available to you, to help you gain more Confidence with Abacus methods/procedures.
* Guidance on How to start your Abacus Classes:
As your Abacus Practice is nearing it's completion, I will guide you on How you can start with your Abacus classes. This guidance will be based on my experiences & learnings from the market when I had started off in the year 2011-12.
* Start-up Abacus Kits for your students, to help you get started with Classes:
This will comprise of 10 Abacus instruments & 10 Stage-1 Workbooks, which should help you get started with your first batch of upto 10 students. This package will be dispatched to you after you have completed your Training/Practice for Stage-3 & started with Stage-4. This will be around the end of 2nd month of your Training Period.
* Abacus Kits for your students at 50% Discounted Prices:
I will also offer you additional supplies of my Stage-wise Workbooks & the Abacus instruments for your Students at 50% Discount on the Regular prices mentioned on this page link. Also, you can have the name of your Classes & contact number printed on the Workbooks that you order for your students, at No Extra Cost.
* AnkMitra's OATS participation for your students with 50% Revenue Sharing:
After you start teaching Abacus to your students & once they complete Stage-1 of the Course, you may encourage your students to participate in AnkMitra's OATS. The Revenue earned from all your students will be shared 50:50, i.e. 50% for you & 50% for me. This will help improve the Learning/Practice experience for your students, improve their performance, improve your image as an Abacus Teacher and also help you earn something extra. You may also bundle AnkMitra's OATS participation as a part of your Course Fee & consider only 50% price of OATS Subscription in your calculation.
Price of Abacus Teacher's Training Package is only Rs.6,000/-.
To Enroll for Abacus Teacher's Training, WhatsApp me on +91-9271296105 or e-mail me on: ankmitra.maths@gmail.com
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